Epson India recently announced the appointment of Toshiyuki Kasai to the newly created position of President at Epson India. Toshiyuki will be based out of Epson India’s Bangalore headquarters. He is an Industrial Engineer from Waseda University and brings with him extensive experience spanning 30 years spent in various capacities within the Seiko Epson group.
With India being a priority market, Epson India will no longer be reporting to the regional hub at Epson Singapore but will now be reporting directly to Seiko Epson Japan. This along with Toshiyuki’s appointment is indicative of the increased expectation from Epson India in the years to come.
Toshiyuki has a vast body of experience and has worked in various functions including production control, purchase, information systems, corporate planning, business planning, profit management and various project activities. This is Toshiyuki’s third posting out of Japan. He has spent seven years at Epson Portland (USA) in the late 80’s/early 90’s and subsequently was the Senior Vice President of Business Infrastructure at Epson Europe from 2004 to 2007. Prior to joining Epson India, Toshiyuki was the Head of Business Management for the Imaging & Information Division at Seiko Epson Japan.
When we spoke to the new President he seemed excited and looking forward to providing the vision and direction to ensure further robust growth for Epson India while ensuring fair returns to all its stakeholders.