Category Archives: Videos

CEIF and Photofair 2012

Full house at Photofair this year

Hardly had the gates of CEIF and Photofair 2012 opened did the crowds flock into the exhibition halls in droves. Getting a byte from exhibitors was a nightmare as they struggled to attend to their customers. Despite security being tight, the photography fraternity thronged in large numbers to absorb the technology on offer and to make the best of the offers available. The crowd, as always, made their yearly pilgrimage to the show.

Naturally, Nikon was the show stopper in the absence of Canon and Sony. However the crowd came to see the new technologies on offer which they could absorb to grow their businesses.

Most of the crowd moved to the fashion show and the lingerie show leaving the photographers trying to get their best shots.

During the show a lot of emphasis was on wedding photography. With approximately 12,000 weddings happening each day, the business of wedding photography is booming.The decline in paper consumption is being countered by increasing popularity of Photo Books. With growing purchasing power of the consumer, the price of wedding albums has increased 10 fold. Little wonder then that the photography fraternity is prepared to cash in on the big fat opportunity.