Is Travel Photography a Good Career

Travel photography offers you a  broad range of career opportunity that can lead you ahead with endless adventures around the world. working as a photojournalist to capturing photos at the resort, there are many ways to combine your love of traveling with photography.

Travel Blogger 

Do you enjoy writing as much as clicking  pictures?   Travel blogging is not all the time  writing and photographing the visited places, or talking about the best attractions, You can switch your blog into a publication that focuses on  profession that you need, such as environmental photography or articles highlight and climate changes,  you might even want to cover destinations affected by war.

Freelance Travel Photographer. 
Since so many businesses, publications, are always in need of picture content, you can work for multiple company’s, with endless opportunities to earn good money. You’ll need a professional portfolio to promote your business and achieve the good clients; make a amazing photography portfolio that you can share with your interested clients.

Cruise Ship Photographer

 If it’s difficult to run your own, try applying for a photographer job on a cruise ship. You  may have to visiting a lot many of different ports around the world, and there’s a most of time you’ll be spending on the cruise ship itself, and also you need to make sure that you can handle the double shift or  repetitive conditions, you’ll be taking  portraits of guests on  board at the ship, food and events spot, the activities going around, and many more. all the time you’ll have to focused around what happens on the ship itself.  If you’re lucky, then you may also get chance to enjoy some adventures off the boat when it docks.


Photojournalists are some of the most well-respected professionals in the world of travel photography, and while the position is quite similar to working as a freelance journalist, you may get commissioned work from the clients or publications. most probably, you will be taking pictures that relate to the coverage issues, subject, event or place or location, that helps you to provide many information and tell a story for article, magazine, newspaper, online, or NGO.

Destination Wedding Photographer

Destination weddings are a great opportunity to travel the best and amazing places in the world, and spend your time creating unforgettable amazing images for couples on their dreamed day. As a destination wedding photographer, you can work in employment for an overseas destination wedding planning company or wedding venue, but more often than not, wedding photographers are the self-employed giving them the freedom to choose which weddings they want to do. most probably, you will be booked by  couple to take photograph’s of their wedding day; the couple  might be traveling to get married somewhere near or close to where you are based, or you may have to  travel abroad with couple to photograph their big day

Resort Photographer.

Many resorts will have photographer job available.  photographers are  always  hired during the high season, making it a great way to work your way around the world in a variety of different places as you can try finding work at the different resort during the different seasons. Most of the time the peak seasons tend to differ at different places around the world, it’s  possible to find work as an resort photographer all year round. for sure, you’ll enjoy a reliable and fixed income and many resort photographers are offered discounted staff living quarters, which can give you a feeling like you are on vacation.

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